Digital outdoor media: interpreting ancient ideas in a modern way

Digital outdoor media or DOOH media refers to digital media that appears in the public environment. This includes digital billboards and outdoor signage, as well as screen networks in malls and health care settings.

D digital outdoor media covers a wide range of content, almost everywhere. Head to the nearby business district where you might see large digital billboards, small digital signage, and even small TV screens for advertising. All of these are examples of applications for digital outdoor media.

Here are some places where digital outdoor media is used frequently:

Shopping malls and retail stores

Cinema and stadium

Hospital waiting room

Airport, train station and bus stop

Traffic dry road side


High-tech advantages of digital outdoor media

Digital outdoor media has some important advantages over outdoor static media advertising.

Lower management costs

Traditional billboards will incur reprinting and installation costs each time a new ad is replaced. Playing new content on a digital billboard can be done in a matter of seconds. The initial input cost of setting up a digital screen is higher, but its profitability far exceeds the investment cost.

More diverse content

Digital signage can also play different content at the same time. For regular billboards, still images are kept for weeks, but digital ads can update the ad content every 15 seconds. This diversity can increase audience interest and acceptance of content.

More creative content

Working with other modern technologies can make digital outdoor media even more impressive. If facial recognition technology is used on the screen, the content can be played according to the demographic data of the audience. If you integrate weather data, you can create ad content that automatically changes based on the weather. Using digital outdoor media with other sensors and software can infinitely expand its creativity, context and relevance, most of which are not possible with static ads.


Detailed report

Similar to online advertising, digital outdoor media screen system software can also generate useful data reports. This is an invaluable resource for marketers and network operators. Play proofs, scheduled reports, and incident reports help stakeholders ensure that ad content is delivered during set time periods and responds to any issues in a timely manner.

Depth demographics

Finally, digital outdoor media advertising can also generate very useful viewing analysis reports. Reports can include the number of viewers, their age and gender, and the time that the ad is seen by most people. Advertisers can better understand the impact of playback and whether ad content can reach their target audience. Network owners can understand the value of their screens and make them available for pricing.


Why market people have such high enthusiasm for digital outdoor media

The key to digital outdoor media becoming a high-value marketing asset is its unforgettable visibility. Digital screens are usually located in areas with high traffic to ensure that their content is visible to most people. Also, unlike home or online ads, viewers can't skip ads or use ad blockers or change screen-played content. In other words, once the ad starts playing, it will be fully played, so it's easier to see.

Studies have shown that this form is very effective. A 2015 Nielsen study found that 75% of respondents said they had seen digital billboards last month. About 82% of them can recall the advertising content they saw. More interestingly, the study found that most of the respondents were very fond of digital outdoor media. As people become more tired of traditional billboards, digital outdoor media may become a more attractive option.