Newspapers and magazines newspapers and magazines transmit a great deal of information and opinions to the public through printed words. Advertising communication work is inseparable from newspapers and magazines. As a print medium, newspaper is a periodical publication that mainly publishes news and is distributed to the public. A magazine is also a printing medium, which is a periodical or irregular publication of printed matter.

 (I) strengths and weaknesses of newspaper communication. The advantage of newspaper · wide dissemination. Newspapers have a large circulation and reach a wide range, covering cities, villages, government agencies, factories and mines, enterprises and families. Some newspapers are even distributed overseas. · spread quickly. Newspapers generally have their own distribution network and distribution objects, so the delivery quickly and accurately. · journalism, high reading rate. Newspapers can deal with information more fully, making the content of the report more thorough and detailed. · strong expression of words. Newspaper layout consists of text, text performance of a variety of, can be large or small, can be simple, illustrated, and color, eye-catching. · easy to save and find. Newspaper information is easy to save and find, basically no time limit for reading. · low transmission cost. 2. The weakness of the newspaper. Newspaper journalism is very strong, so the next day's newspaper is easy to be abandoned aside, dissemination effect will be greatly compromised. · dissemination of information is easy to be ignored by readers. With a large size, large layout and miscellaneous contents, readers often skip the content they are interested in, so the compulsory reading and comprehension ability of the newspaper are limited. Restricted by the reader's level of education, it can not produce the transmission effect to illiteracy. · poor color and lack of vitality. Due to the relationship between paper and printing, most of the newspaper media are monotonous in color, and the illustrations and photography are not as beautiful as magazines, not to mention the audio-visual combination of television. 

 (ii) strengths and weaknesses of the dissemination of information by magazines Advantages of magazines · long timeliness. The effective time of magazine reading is long and it can be read repeatedly. It has reserved value for a considerable period of time, so it expands and deepens the communication effect of advertisement to some extent. · targeted. Each magazine has its own specific readership, and communicators can formulate communication strategies in the face of a clear target public, so as to "adapt to the situation". · beautifully printed and expressive. 2. Magazine weakness · long publishing cycle. Of the magazine publish cycle to be in more than a month mostly, consequently the advertisement information with strong effect is unfavorable on magazine medium publish. · the propaganda effect of magazines and media cannot be as overwhelming as that of newspapers and TV. · limited understanding ability. Like newspapers, magazines are not as vivid, vivid, intuitive and colloquial as radio and television, especially among readers with low literacy level, and the effect of communication is restricted. Strengths and weaknesses of radio and television are both electronic media. Advertising often USES radio and television to broadcast news, advertising, timely, effective impact on the public, is a very important means of advertising communication. Broadcasting here refers to the transmission of sound programs by radio waves or wires for the public to hear. Broadcasting is divided into radio broadcasting and wired broadcasting. The transmission of sound symbols through radio waves is called radio broadcasting, and the transmission of sound symbols through wires is called wired broadcasting. 1. Advantages of broadcasting: wide coverage. Radio USES language as a tool to spread content by sound, and its listeners are not restricted by age, gender, occupation, culture, space, location and condition. · spread quickly. Radio travels fast and can tell listeners what has just happened and what is happening. · strong appeal. Radio relies on sound to spread the content. The advantage of sound is that it has the sense of facsimile. Listening to the sound can evoke the audience's visual image, which is very attractive. · multiple functions. Broadcast is a multi-functional communication tool, which can be used to spread information, popularize knowledge, carry out education and provide entertainment services, and can meet the needs of audiences of different classes, ages, educational levels and occupations. 2. Weaknesses of broadcasting · the transmission effect is transient, and the information is not recorded and stored. · linear communication mode, namely, broadcast content is arranged in chronological order, and the audience is limited by program order and can only passively accept the established content with poor selectivity. · there is only sound on the radio, but no text or image, and listeners' attention to the broadcast information is easily distracted. Strengths and weaknesses in the dissemination of information television is a means of communication by which moving images are transmitted electronically. It USES electronic technology to convert the image of a stationary or moving object into an photoelectric one, and then transmits the electrical signal so that the image can be reproduced instantly from a distance. 1. The advantages of television · audio-visual combination communication effect is good. It USES images and sounds to express ideas, which is much more intuitive than newspapers relying only on symbols and broadcasting relying only on sound. · strong documentary and on-the-spot sense. Television can let the audience directly see the situation of things, and can make the audience produce a sense of presence and participation, simultaneity in time and simultaneity in space. · rapid and influential. Like radio, it USES radio waves to send signals in all directions, sending them directly to the homes of its viewers. The transmission speed is fast, the audience is large, the influence is big. · multiple functions and strong entertainment. Because of the direct use of images and sound to disseminate information, the audience is not limited by the level of education and has the widest range of adaptation. 2. The weakness of TV communication · like radio, the transmission effect is transient, the storage of information is poor, and the record is inconvenient and difficult to inquire. · television advertising is also limited by time sequence, and limited by site and equipment conditions, making the transmission and reception of information less flexible than newspapers and broadcasting. · high cost of production, transmission, reception and preservation of television advertisements. (5) strengths and weaknesses of the Internet in disseminating information the Internet is the world's largest, open and interconnected computer network that USES TCP/IP protocol and the vast international information resources it contains. Internet is the product of the integration of hardware and software of modern computer technology and communication technology, which represents the highest level of modern communication technology. Internet, a brand new media technology, has different communication characteristics from traditional mass media and other electronic media, mainly manifested in the following aspects: · wide range. Internet is actually a worldwide information transmission network connected by numerous local area networks (such as government network, enterprise network, school network, public network, etc.). Therefore, it is also called "borderless media". · transcending time and space. Internet communication is carried out in the electronic space, can break through the real time and space of many objective restrictions and obstacles, truly open and operate all day long, achieve the asynchronous communication beyond time and space. · highly open. Internet is a highly open system, in this electronic space, no red lights, no barriers; Regardless of system, regardless of national boundaries, regardless of race. Anyone can use this network to access and deliver information equally. · two-way interaction. Computer Internet has successfully integrated the advantages of mass communication and interpersonal communication, and realized the large-scale and long-distance two-way interaction. · personalization. On the Internet, no matter the production of information content, the use and control of media, or the way of transmission and reception of information, information consumption behavior, all have distinct personality, very in line with the trend of personalized information consumption, making interpersonal communication on the basis of high-tech regain luster. · multimedia and hypertext. Internet in the form of hypertext, text, data, sound, image and other information are transformed into computer language for transmission, different forms of information can be transmitted at the same time on the same network, so that the Internet integrated all kinds of communication media (newspapers, magazines, books, radio, television, telephone, fax and so on) characteristics and advantages. · low cost. The Internet is relatively cheap to use for its huge capabilities. Because Internet has above and the traditional mass media and other electronic media different dissemination characteristics. Nowadays, "online public relations" and "online advertising" are no longer unfamiliar words to most organizations and the public. As advertising planners, if do not know how to use the powerful functions of the Internet to engage in advertising activities, he may become an information society laggard. Outdoor advertising outdoor advertising and our economic and social life is closely related, it represents a country from one side of the economic development and the level of social civilization.


  Common outdoor advertisements generally have the following forms :(1) street signs advertising; (2) electric or electronic outdoor advertising; (3) light box advertising; (4) traffic advertisements; (5) posters and posters; (6) sports advertising; (7) festival advertisements; (8) folk wall advertising. In addition, due to the rapid development of science and technology and the loose liberation of modern thinking mode, outdoor advertising also has many significant breakthroughs in its performance form. Such as satellite launch site ads, air (e.g., flight performance, parachuting performance, hot air balloon ball body advertising), the (model) of the living activities, physical amplification (narrow) model, inflatable amplification model ads, automatic flip (many), laser projection advertising (or by using the reflection of buildings, or use of, or by using the reflection of the clouds flying objects), and so on. These new outdoor advertising forms, in the visual appearance of strong expression and impact, so in the communication effect than other traditional forms of outdoor advertising better. (2) the POP - sales site ads POP is the abbreviation of English PointofPurchaseAdvertising, refers to the sale and purchase of goods for activities of advertising, it belongs to the media advertising sales site. Sales site media is a comprehensive form of media, from the content can be roughly divided into indoor media and outdoor media. Indoor media mainly refers to shelf display advertising, counter advertising, model advertising, advertising on the wall around, column advertising, hanging in the air advertising. Outdoor media at the sales site mainly refers to all forms of advertising in front of and around the sales places such as shops, department stores, supermarkets. Such as billboards, light boxes, neon lights, electronic display billboards, posters, shop signs, door couplets, window decoration, and so on. DM- DirectMail advertising DM is the abbreviation of DirectMail. In our country, the development of postal advertising is relatively rapid, is not limited to the purchase of orders and other primary mail. Mail advertising is divided into one-time mail and several mail, mainly according to the purpose of mail and the nature of the product (or service). Packaging advertising packaging advertising, you can say is a silent salesman. Package advertising is the closest advertisement to a product. Packaging has small packaging, medium packaging, large packaging; Internal packaging and outer packaging; Soft packing, hard packing. Large packaging, outer packaging, hard packaging is also known as transport packaging, and small packaging, inner packaging, flexible packaging are attached to the nature of product description, product detailed information or enterprise concept is reflected in the above. Exhibition, film and gift advertising 1. There are various forms of exhibition advertising exhibition, including exposition, trade fair, trade fair, exchange meeting, new product release conference, and product display in fixed places. Therefore, the forms of exhibition advertisements are comprehensive and diverse. 2. Because of many reasons, such as production and cost, film advertisement has not been popularized in China, and cinema, a relatively effective medium, has not been widely used by manufacturers and advertisers. Most of the movie advertisements are short, ranging from l to 5 minutes. 3. The gift advertisement takes the small gift or the souvenir gift as the method, gains the user to the enterprise good impression and the memory.