Exhibitor - the power of the system

Exhibitors refers to attend the conference and exhibition of relevant units, organizations, groups and individuals, their market demand is the basis of the convention and exhibition system elements and the characterization of reaction, because of their existence, to produce the other elements of the convention system, it is according to its quantity and behavior of active or not, determine the vitality and competitiveness of convention and exhibition system.

Ii. Exhibition organizer -- the main body of the system

Exhibition organizers refer to institutions and departments specializing in exhibition business, namely exhibition companies and exhibition industry associations. Exhibition organizers usually have specific service objects, determine the time and form of the exhibition, and can provide exhibition environment and information. In the exhibition system, as the only theme to participate in the whole operation of the exhibition activities, the exhibition organizers dominate the development direction and final results of the exhibition.


Iii. Exhibition media -- nerves of the system

Exhibition media refers to the media of displaying and disseminating information, namely exhibition hall and exhibition center. In the exhibition system, the life of exhibition lies in exhibition and communication, and the main function of exhibition media is to provide media and image display and communication information. The close contact between media and exhibition organizers, market and audience is realized by exhibition organizers.

Iv. Exhibition market -- the link of system structure

The narrow sense of the market is the place of Commodity Exchange. The broad sense of the market is the sum of all kinds of economic relations and economic activities reflected by commodities. The market in the exhibition system refers to the market in a broad sense, which involves content and economic relations far beyond the scope of pure Commodity Exchange. In this system, there are not only Commodity Exchange behaviors that reflect the relationship between exhibitors and consumers through exhibitions, but also the division of labor and cooperation between exhibitors, exhibition organizers and exhibition halls. All these relationships are not reflected and inclusive by narrow market. In the exhibition system, the link and function of the market become more and more significant with the development of commodity economy. On the other hand, the market adjusts the relationship among various elements of the system with its special function, because the changes of the behavior mode and the consequences of the behavior of the elements need to get feedback from the market.

Fifth, visitors to the exhibition (consumers)- the beginning and end of the system structure

Consumers are buyers and users of commodities, including consumers of production and life. Under the condition of active development of commodity economy, it consists of two parts: at the moment, under the direct effect of exhibition, consumers who adopt certain consumption behaviors, such as those consumers who cause purchase behaviors by face-to-face persuasion in the process of commodity display; Second, consumers who adopt some kind of consumption behavior under the indirect effect of exhibition, such as consumers who adopt no swollen consumption behavior under the effect of advertising.

In the structure of exhibition system, consumers are the starting point of all exhibition behaviors. From the social reproduction process, if there is no consumption, there can be no purposeful production; Without production, there can be no exhibitors and no other activities. Consumers are the end of exhibition behavior, because the ultimate purpose of exhibition activities is to meet the needs of consumers' purchase and choice, and the effect of exhibition is determined by consumers.