Intentional personnel will be crude, unjustified, unverified information to hype, propaganda, resulting in the formation of an inherent pattern in the public psychology, thereby affecting the public mental health. Here are some examples:

1. Vulgar advertisements pollute the social environment. In order to attract eyeballs or sell goods, advertisements often use improper methods to promote, and the vulgarization of some commodity advertisements also erodes mass media culture.

2. The wide spread of advertising makes the audience trapped in the magical cultural scene of advertising, which promotes the bad habits of hedonism, money worship and comparison.

3. The homophony or other exaggeration means in the creation of advertisements will mislead consumers.

4. False and deceptive advertising. Some manufacturers and advertisers do not truly reflect the function of the product, exaggerate the effect of the product, mislead consumers, and violate the basic rights and interests of consumers. What's more, the advertisements they shoot are aimed at deceiving consumers, causing great harm to people.

5. Advertisements tend to cause vicious competition and waste enterprises' financial and material resources.

The negative effect of advertisement is gradually concerned by the society. False advertising and exaggerated propaganda will reduce the audience's trust in products, and even generate doubts on society sometimes. To sum up, the negative effects of advertising are manifold. The bad advertisement causes the audience to produce the misleading in the consumption psychology, blindly pursues the consumption; The bad advertisement will cause great harm to the product brand itself; The bad advertisement is undoubtedly a kind of erosion to the mass media culture, which has seriously stained people's audio-visual and produced a very bad social influence. We hope relevant departments take effective measures as soon as possible to minimize the adverse effects of advertising.