Advertising, as its name implies, is to advertise widely, that is, to inform the general public of something. As far as its meaning is concerned, advertisement can be divided into broad sense and narrow sense. Broad sense advertisement is to point to the advertisement that does not take profit for the purpose, if government announcement, party, religion, education, culture, municipal administration, social group's announcement, announcement etc. In a narrow sense, advertising refers to profit-making advertising, which usually refers to commercial advertising, or economic advertising. It is a means by which industrial and commercial enterprises, in order to promote commodities or provide services, spread commodity or service information to consumers or users through advertising media by means of payment. Commodity advertising is such economic advertising.

The characteristics of

Advertising differs from general mass communication and publicity activities in the following aspects:

1. Advertising is a communication tool, which transmits the information of a certain commodity to a group of users and consumers by the production or operation organization (advertiser) of the commodity;

2. Pay for advertising;

3. Advertising is persuasive;

4. Advertising is purposeful, planned and continuous;

Advertising is not only beneficial to the advertiser, but also to the target audience. It enables users and consumers to get useful information.


Taking the participants of advertising activities as the starting point, advertising elements include: advertisers, advertising companies, advertising media, advertising information, advertising ideas and skills, advertising audience, advertising costs and advertising effects.

Taking mass communication theory as the starting point, the advertising elements in the process of advertising information dissemination mainly include: advertising information source, advertising information, advertising media, advertising correspondence and other elements.