RE:More than half of India's coal-fired power plants have less than two days of coal storage
"201701 published on 2021-10-19 09:45:06
According to data from India's Central Electricity Authority (CEA), India's coal-fired power plants have an average capacity of four days of coal storage, and more than half of 135 major coal-fired power plants have less than two days of coal storage.Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi discussed the current thermal coal supply situation with senior officials of the Coal and Power Ministry on The 12th. New Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh are the states most affected by the current coal shortage in India. Some areas have resorted to power rationing to avoid running out of coal altogether.Tata Power's Mundra Imported coal plant in Gujarat has stopped supplying 1,850 MW in Gujarat, 475 MW in Punjab, 380 MW in Rajasthan, 760 MW in Maharashtra and 380 MW in Haryana due to skyrocketing prices of imported raw coal. A total of 14 power plants in Uttar Pradesh that collectively provided 4,520 MEGAwatts of electricity were temporarily shut down due to a lack of coal."