RE:What are the advantages of TV drama advertising?
"200227 published on 2019-06-15 10:48:58
(1) The concept of product placement. Implanted advertising, also known as implantable marketing, refers to the strategic integration of products or brands and their representative visual symbols and even service content into the content of movies, TV series or TV programs. Reproduction, let the audience leave an impression of the product and brand, and then achieve the purpose of marketing. The implanted advertisement and the media carrier are integrated to jointly construct a part of the real life or ideal situation of the audience, and the product or service information is instilled to the audience in a non-advertising manner in the unconscious manner of the audience. Due to its hidden features, product placement is also known as embedded advertising or soft advertising.According to this definition, TV dramas are embedded in the TV drama by temporarily inserting the product or brand information into the TV series, temporarily letting the audience forget the utilitarian hidden behind them, and indulging in the entertainment of the TV series, unconsciously guiding the audience to marketing. The product. It dilutes the commercial characteristics of traditional advertisements, and it is easy for the audience to accept the relevant information of products or brands without knowing it, making their memory more lasting.(II) Development status of TV dramasThe emergence of TV drama advertisements stems from the fact that each merchant provides products for free as the background and props of TV dramas, and integrates the products into the plot to achieve the purpose of promoting product marketing. The earliest TV drama advertisement in China was the "The Story of the Editorial Department" starring Ge You and Lu Liping in the 1990s. For the first time, the screen used the form of implanted advertisements to broadcast the advertisement of the Bailong mineral pot. In recent years, with the success of the advertisements in TV series such as "Struggle", "My Youth Who is the Master" and "Country Love", the TV drama advertisement has been greatly developed in China. In "Struggle" and "My youth who is the master", I mentioned a lot of Audi's cars and earned a gimmick for Audi. In "Country Love", from the first "big black Mercedes" to the domestic car "Zhonghua Junjie", from the Mengniu future star of Xie Dake Supermarket to the "one kilogram of milk every day, strong Chinese" on the wall, the TV drama advertisement has already "deep into the bone marrow".(3) Forms of TV dramas embedded in advertisementsThe performance space of TV drama advertisements is very broad. Many forms of implants can be seen in TV dramas. Common forms include: props implantation, line insertion and story plot implantation.Props embedding refers to products or brands appearing in TV dramas in the form of props. This form is more suitable for products that already have a certain brand awareness. New products or new brands lack recognition, and it is difficult to grasp the audience by the screen alone. attention. For example, in the TV series "Struggle", the men will buy a pack of "points in the South China Sea" in every episode, whether it is after the sad or happy. Here, "point eight in the South China Sea" is only in the form of props, but with the help of "Struggle" is a real fire.The word insertion, that is, the product or brand name appears in the TV series. In the TV series "Struggle", a lot of lines mentioned Audi, such as Xu Zhisen said to his vice president: "Without the company's cultivation of you, how can you drive the Audi A8 to work." In "My youth who is the master" The money sample uses Audi "A5" and "Q7" to refer to the two men who pursued her sister. The embedding of lines makes the audience accept the meaning and connotation of the brand.The storyline is implanted, meaning that the product or brand is no longer just a prop, but the content and even the clues of the story development. The product or brand has become a part of the story. For example, in the online hit drama "Love Apartment", the story of Yida between Zhang Wei and Qin Yumo, where "Yida" is no longer a prop, it becomes a clue to the story.The above is the main form of TV drama advertising. With the development of embedded advertising, new forms will emerge. Choosing the right form of implantable advertising is the key to embedding advertising."